The Advantage of Columbia Chemical: A Partner in Training
March 28, 2018
As part of our exclusive Finisher’s Advantage program, Columbia Chemical recently provided a comprehensive training course on our signature TriCOL Décor plating process for our partners in Singapore.
Kemia Pte. Ltd. , a leading specialty chemical supplier for the metal finishing industry in Asia, is committed to delivering high quality products and the highest standard of customer service. Training on our TriCOL Décor process was a natural extension of this commitment and benefits members of the Kemia Pte. Ltd. team as well as their customers.
The training was led by Stephen Roberts, Technical Support Representative for Columbia. Roberts consistently provides quality control and expert technical lab service to Columbia’s domestic customers and has recently advanced his skills to include foreign technical service. The training included a presentation about the TriCOL process, including the benefits of trivalent chromium over hexavalent, a review of technical information obtained through comprehensive and practical testing, general troubleshooting of TriCOL Décor and BlackJack baths, and the routine analysis of the chemistry and products involved with these processes. Kemia’s technical support staff also joined the training. The sessions were divided between time in the classroom and practical hands-on training in the lab.
Kemia’s Pte. Ltd.’s objective with this training was to expand their knowledge and hands-on experience of the TriCOL process. This in-depth knowledge provides the company with a solid edge as countries follow the lead of the EU in banning the use of products containing hexavalent chromium.
Roberts commented: “It was a great opportunity to be able to work with our partners at Kemia Pte. Ltd. to further their knowledge and experience with our TriCOL process. Their dedication to their customers is evident. We look forward to continuing to work with and support them as the adoption of trivalent chromium usage continues to grow.”
Columbia Chemical’s Managing Director of Far East Business Martin Gall extends sincere congratulations to Edmund Tay, Steven Lim, WH Lee, and TK Hang and the team at Kemia Pte. Ltd. on the successful completion of the training course and for all of their dedication and hard work to better serve their customers.