Ask the Expert: Plating with Zinc-Nickel: Benefits and Challenges
Ask the Expert: Plating with Zinc-Nickel: Benefits and Challenges
November 1, 2020
Explaining the Benefits of Zinc-Nickel and Overview of Alkaline & Acid Zn-Ni
Chad Murphy, Technical Account Manager, was recently featured in the Ask the Expert column in Products Finishing magazine. Read his Q & A clinic herewhere he explains the benefits of zinc-nickel and and offers an overview of the difference between alkaline and acid zinc-nickel and touches on the popularity and market growth. The article explores the hardness, heat resistance and high alloy benefits of the deposit which contribute to its popularity in the automotive, construction and aerospace industries. It goes on to explore the differences and benefits of each system and reviews the importance of operating control and parameters, particularly within the acid zinc-nickel system. A knowledgeable chemistry supplier can make a world of difference when aligning your zinc-nickel process to match your specific plating needs. Columbia Chemical has been consulted heavily by OEMs and Tier suppliers on the topic of zinc nickel as it is incorporated into additional OEM specs and the market continues to grow.
If you are currently considering adding zinc-nickel plating to your services or evaluating your current process to achieve greater operational efficiency, reach out to your Columbia Chemical Technical Specialist! Or submit your questions directly to techquestions@columbiachemical