Lab Capabilities: Solution Analysis is Critical
July 9, 2021
Quality standards have become extremely important in recent years. As a commitment to our customers, we’ve invested extensively in our analytical lab in order to provide the best technical service and support. And that’s what gives Columbia Chemical and our customers an advantage over the competition.
Keeping your plating solutions within optimal ranges is one of the keys to consistently delivering high-quality finished parts. Columbia’s lab technicians are able to analyze solutions and provide customers with a comprehensive report within a 24-48 hour turnaround period. As part of our Finisher’s Advantage program, if we notice a sample is outside of the normal range, (narrow tolerance 1%) we will automatically run it a second time to confirm the result. If it is still out of range, we notify the Technical Account Manager designated for that customer and let them know what is going on. Often time, our lab catches anomalies before the customer has even noticed the effects on their line. This saves time and money and helps support the customer in their throughput goals. Learn more about the benefits of our analytical lab below.
- From the Field: A customer was unaware that one of their feeder pumps went bad on their acid zinc barrel line. Because of Columbia’s regular and timely analysis and custom tracking of their specific ranges, the analytical lab noticed the carrier falling and helped the customer discover the problem before it even caused any rejects, saving them substantial time and money.